Petition – in English

Projet pilote agrivoltaïque à Amance par TSE

We, the petition signatories :

Reject the industrialisation of our countryside and all industrial-scale energy production on agricultural, uncultivated and wild land, including so-called « agrivoltaic » projects. France needs its farmland to ensure its food independence, particularly as regards cereals, vegetables and oilseeds. It does not need, and neither does our planet, more ‘meat’ grazing under the ‘shadows’ of the panels!

Insist that all renewable energy projects be designed for, and accepted locally, for priority local consumption by local residents, whether they be municipal, private, craftsmen or businesses (including continuous production by green hydrogen mini-power plants where appropriate)

Demand that each municipality assess the needs of its population, in both electrical energy and hot water, with the help of independent experts and the participation of the population. Then, draw up a local production plan. This must use only land that has already been developed such as car parks, factories, supermarkets, workshops, municipal buildings, houses and outbuildings, polluted waste/rubbish landfill sites etc. Each municipality must then do everything in its power to put this agreed plan into practice.

This must begin with:

  • Genuine local consultation and participation leading to a comprehensive energy-saving programme developed for each commune.  Every small step forward leads to big progress.
  • Financial assistance and individual technical advice for the installation of better thermal insulation, energy saving measures and renewable energy systems – in every building.
  • Setting up a system of individual and collective production and collective auto-consumption** in each commune, as close as possible to the needs. Collective auto-production can shield communities from market induced price hikes
    ** you consume first what your installation produces.
We are protecting our rural heritage and planet Earth.
Then we will all be BETTER OFF – without destroying our countryside.

Please help us to protect our rural heritage and our planet

Join our movement

NOTE: The English language version of our petition IS now online. It is included just after the french text, in the same petition. This link will take you, to both language versions. Just scroll down the petition text to find the English one. Thank you for your support.
And please don’t forget to share with all your contacts

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